Monday, February 10, 2014


You register online for athletics.  Go to and then click on athletics.  Go to the 'register my athlete' and click on it.  Go to Utah and then start the registration process from there.  If you have registered for a sport before then It will be quick and easy.  If not then you need to create an account before you can register.  Please do not register before feb 20th.  The state is using this website but they have requested some changes to it before it is piloted by some schools.  You can also pay there as well.  Please be patient and Wait until February 20th to register.  If you have never done a sport then Create an account and print off the physical A Form so you can go get a physical from a doctor and have them fill it out.  If you are returning then you need to fill out the physical B form but only need to go to a do off if you have had a major injury since your last physical by a doctor.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me at the school by email at

Thanks.  Coach Rawlins

P.S.  there is a good chance that we will also use this same website to have you pay for your clothes and uniform.  That is a second reason why we want you to Wait.

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